To the surprise of no one, Patty Nolan signed onto the pledges for the Green New Deal and #NoFossilFuelMoney. She has been an environmental activist for decades – long before her involvementin politics. In fact, her passion for the environment may have started, or been nurtured certainly, at the very first Earth Day on April 22, 1970; Patty’s parents packed up the family (yep, all 6 Nolan girls) into the station wagon and drove from their home in Chicago to Washington, DC to be part of the movement.
From the day the GND was announced, Patty was in favor and excited about it. As for fossil fuel donations – honestly, no fossil fuel interests donate to local races in Cambridge, so signing the pledge is not likely to have an impact. What does have an impact is standing up and stating clearly that fossil fuels needs to go the way of the dinosaurs – and stay fossilized. Patty believes that #KeepItInTheGround has to be the mantra for every elected official at every level. To that end, she made sure to wear an appropriate shirt when signing the pledge. Read it; let’s #KickGas out of our homes!
And a shout out to the young activists across the city, country and world who are making the older generations sit up and take action. Sunrise asked candidates to sign the pledges – they deserve kudos for leading the way.