Lovin' the title, lovin' the job!

It’s been about one month since I took office as Cambridge City Councillor and I am thrilled to have this new role! I intend to send weekly communications on city issues, upcoming council votes, and work I am doing. If you don’t want to receive these emails, simply click unsubscribe at the bottom of this email and you won’t get future ones. And, if you know anyone who might like to be on the list, please let them know about it. I have hired a legislative aide, Michael Scarlett (CRLS 2014, Vassar College 2018, Cambridge since birth) who will be keeping me organized, focused and effective. Feel free to reach out to him [mscarlett@cambridgema.gov] or me [pnolan@cambridgema.gov] with any suggestions for our work together in our city.
Below is a short summary of some of the upcoming votes for tonight’s meeting (Monday February 10). One of the major issues of last term, the affordable housing overlay is likely to be introduced soon – possibly later this month. I am eager to see what changes, if any, will be included in the reintroduction. As I have long stated, I support using our zoning code to enable the construction of more affordable housing. And, I believe we can implement changes without dividing the city and compromising other goals like sustainability and livability. Thanks for reading, Happy early Valentine’s Day, Happy Black History Month, and what about that recent National Women’s Hockey League all-star game: how many of the players have Cambridge connections? [First correct response gets a local latte!]